
A holiday fair blending creativity and tradition.
From educational materials for entrepreneurs to the holiday fair within the Forma Rural project.
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Repair, renovate, create!
The new project promotes environmental awareness and sustainable practices in Idrija.
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ID20 in 2025: Tradition, Heritage, and Festivities
ID20 Institute will highlight cultural heritage with events like the Idrija Žlikrofi Festival and the Industrial Culture Festival "Betrib".
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Endangered European Heritage in the Spotlight
At the end of November, the notable project RE: concluded.
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Italian Guests Enthralled by Idrija Žlikrofi
A study tour of the GO! Pasta project took place in Idrija.
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New Heritage Stories Developed by Artisans From Idrija
Wokrshops for entrepreneurial skills and knowledge transfers.
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Revealing the Heritage of Idrija Cuisine
The rich culinary heritage of Idrija is gaining new dimensions with the new brochure.
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Our Story as a Best Practice Example
We welcomed the partner team of the TechDiversity project at our premises.
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From Viking Warriors to Climate Warriors
Together to overcome the hidden effects of climate change
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Inspiration From the Stories of Portuguese Artisans
The stories of Portuguese artisans gave us new energy and motivation for the successful implementation of the project.
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