
Forbidden Love in a Miners' House
In 2024, we announce a gastronomic-theatrical experience at the Giser House.
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Digital Nomads - The Future for Tourism and Youth Work
We are concluding a remarkable project these days in the field of attracting digital nomads.
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Searching for Inspiration for the Development of Successful Youth Policies
Partnership meeting in Idrija and getting acquainted with good practices in the field of youth inclusion.
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High school students on attracting tourists to Idrija
Idrija high school students were learning about the topic of digital nomadism.
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This November Follow #ZgodbeIdrije (Stories of Idrija)
In the month of November, follow our social media channels, which will be marked by the #ZgodbeIdrije campaign. We will present stories of young and old people who see the municipality of Idrija as a creative and innovative area, with...
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Craft Workshops at the European Heritage Days
Autumn gathering at the Giser house and preserving traditional craftsmanship skills.
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Artistic Residency 2025 – Vision for the Giser Miners’ House
2025 will be a significant year for Goriška region. The prestigious title of European Capital of Culture (EPK) is coming to Nova Gorica and Italian Gorizia, which brings many opportunities for the border town and the entire region to prepare...
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Who Is “Out of Use”? Find Out at the Betrib Festival!
The industrial culture festival Betrib is coming to Idrija on September 29th and 30th.
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The Giser House Has Come to Life With the Help of International Volunteers
Young people preserve the cultural heritage of Idrija with solidarity aid.
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ŽLikrofi for All!
Numerous visitors enjoyed the rich offer of the Festival of Idrija Žlikrofi.
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