The Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI) project aims to bring together the cultural heritage sector and the necessary digitisation in modern times. As part of the project, we have developed a comprehensive program that responds to the challenges of heritage with a series of exciting events and training activities and builds on everything with the establishment of the Duri online platform. This will be aimed at supporting, informing, and connecting everyone who already works or would like to work in the cultural heritage field.
Why the Digital Heritage Incubator?
The partners in Idrija 2020 Association, Zavod Dobra pot and KID KIBLA, who each work in their own environment in the field of cultural heritage development and education, are convinced that cultural heritage is an exceptional but yet-to-be sufficiently recognised capital of society. It offers us opportunities in various fields - from community building to entrepreneurship, digitisation and creative industries. This potential can only be realised with an innovative and forward-looking approach.
We believe that non-governmental and private actors play a crucial role in this approach, i.e. non-governmental organisations, volunteer groups, local population, informal groups, various associations, creative people and entrepreneurs, who can complement the work of museums and other institutions. This potential can only be realised with innovations and forward-thinking approaches.
Challenges of the Heritage Sector
The project’s purpose is to implement the digital program "Digital Heritage Incubator (DDI)" for a more effective response to the challenges of the heritage sector and the digital transformation of cultural heritage and its partners. To achieve the goals, an online community platform will be established, an application for recording heritage memories will be upgraded, public (and hybrid) events will be held for the inclusion and development of heritage communities, (hybrid) training will be carried out. Individual counselling and individual support will also be provided to users in the form of services.

Join the Duri Online Platform
The Duri online platform will host educational content on heritage in various formats. The platform will enable active participation of all registered users by connecting with other users and co-creating an online heritage community.
On the website, you will be able to find interesting blogs, podcasts, online courses and articles about heritage, a map of heritage societies and organisations, and many heritage volunteering opportunities.
You will be able to try your hand at inventorying elements of cultural heritage in your local environment, find out what to do when an archaeological find is discovered, how to protect heritage objects from destruction and what role intangible heritage plays. You will also learn what to look for when restoring an old house, how to digitally document heritage, and hear inspiring stories about developing heritage through entrepreneurship.
Individual support, advice and mentoring in learning about technological advances for heritage interpretation will also be available for the most committed.
A Unique Approach
We are incredibly proud that the DDI project was recognised at the national level as the best in the field of culture. We believe that our program for the digital transformation of cultural heritage is unique not only in Slovenia but also in the wider European area due to its community approach. In the coming year and a half, the DDI project will become one of the more prominent activities of all the consortium partners, who will strengthen awareness of the importance of preserving and developing our cultural heritage in the Brkini - Idrija - Maribor axis.
Project duration: 1.1.2022 - 30.6.2023
Project value: €199,889.14
Partners in the project: Društvo za mladinski razvoj Idrija 2020 (lead partner), Zavod dobra pot, zavod za kulturo in sonaravno delovanje and Kulturno izobraževalno društvo KIBLA
The Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia co-financed the project.